Basic info
Official name of the institution until September 30, 2020:
Fakulteta za psihoterapevtsko znanost Univerze Sigmunda Freuda v Ljubljani
English translation of the name: Faculty of Psychotherapy Science of Sigmund Freud University in Ljubljana
Official name as of October 1, 2020:
Univerza Sigmunda Freuda Dunaj - podružnica Ljubljana.
English translation of the name: Sigmund Freud University Vienna - Ljubljana branch
Short name of the institution: SFU Ljubljana
Address: Trubarjeva cesta 65, SI -1000 Ljubljana
Phone: + 386 (0)1/ 425 44 33
Identification No.: 6428878000
Tax No.: 38029812
Transaction account: SI56 3400 0101 5852 361
Payment code and purpose: STDY
Bank's Bic code: KSPKSI22XXX
Bank: Sparkasse d.d., Cesta v Kleče 15, 1000 Ljubljana