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Bachelor programme Psychology



SFU Ljubljana announced a new faculty study programme Psychology in academic year 2018/19. The implementation of the study programme has been confirmed by the Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (SQAA), decision no. 6033-4 / 2015/9 of 19th of January 2017 and by the Austrian National Accreditation Body "Akkreditierung Austria" (on 12th of September 2018). The department in Slovenia works under the Faculty of Psychology at SFU Vienna.

The Bachelor Psychology degree programme is oriented towards cultural and social sciences and provides a basic education in scientific Psychology. 


You are kindly invited to enroll!

More about the programme

The practical training of modern humanities and social sciences is based on the decision to strenghten the connection between the curriculum of the new study programme Psychology and:

  • Scientific research and practice.
  • Scientific research practices and teaching.
  • Various phenomena and their theoretical reflection.

The study programme integrates findings of other cultural and social sciences (Sociology, Anthropoloy, History, …) and is based on the rich history of classical psychology, which built its foundations in the Austrian cultural environment (Vienna, Graz).


Special features of the Psychology study programme at SFU Ljubljana:

  • Engaged teaching, individualized approach and study support.
  • The program is designed in accordance with the guidelines and standards of the European Federation of Psychological Associations. (EFPA)

  • Working and learning in small groups.

  • SFU enables student’s early involvement in research projects under the expert mentorship of the professional staff.

  • In tutoring groups the students solve problems during their studies, present new ideas, evaluate, socialize and learn to listen to different opinions and each other.

  • In the study programme, theory and practice are interconnected in the context of learning moderation techniques, leadership and team dynamics, etc.

  • In addition to basic knowledge of psychology, the study also includes self-awareness exercises.

  • Possibility of an internship.

  • Self-awareness techniques and personal growth.

  • The students have the possibility of student exchanges and meeting guest lecturers from SFU Vienna.
Academic degree and qualification level

The study is conducted at the bachelor level. The concept of the study is designed to enable graduates who have successfully completed their studies to enroll in the second (master) level of the study of Psychology. A Master’s degree is expected to be a prerequisite for working as a psychologist (Slovenian Psychologists Act).


Academic Degree

Bachelor of Science (BSc.)

Qualification Level

ISCED–2011: Level 6 and EQR/NQR: Level 6 in Austria

 VII (1. bolonjska stopnja) po SOK oz. VI/II (1. bolonjska stopnja) po Uredbi stopnjo izobrazbe in Slovenia.

Duration of the study
  • 3 years of bachelor study programme.
  • 6 semesters / 180 ECTS.
Organization of the study

The study takes place in the afternoon or evenings during the week and on Saturdays.

Admisson requirements

Formal prerequisite for admission to the Bachelor Psychology programme at the Faculty of Psychology in Ljubljana is proof of an University entrance qualification such as:

  • high school graduation certificate;
  • completed any four year high school programme before 1.6.1995;
  • completed equivalent education abroad.

In the case of restricted enrollment, the candidates reffered to point 1 will be selected according to the criteria of points achieved in the 3rd and 4th year of high school (40%) and general high school graduation certificate (60%)

Additional requirements

  1. English skills
  2. Motivational letter
  3. Participation at a 2-day admission seminar after the enrollment and before the new academic year.
Referat za psihologijo

Uradne ure med študijskim letom:

  • Ponedeljek: 9.00 - 12.00
  • Sreda: 13.30-16.30
  • Petek: 9.00-12.00

Ostali termini na voljo po dogovoru. Prosimo, da se na osebno srečanje najavite vsaj dva dni prej.