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SFU Ljubljana

Sigmund Freud University Ljubljana (SFU Ljubljana) is one of the international branches of Sigmund Freud University Vienna, an accredited private university under Austrian law.

AQ Austria (Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation Austria) has accredited Study Programs of the Faculty of Psychotherapy Science (2013) and the Faculty of Psychology (2018).

SFU Ljubljana consists of a Department of the Faculty of Psychotherapy Science and a Department of the Faculty of Psychology. Both departments are organizational units of the respective Faculties at SFU Vienna.

SFU Ljubljana offers Bachelor and Master study programs of Psychotherapy Science and Psychology. Thus, the full academic training in psychotherapy science immediately after secondary school has become available in Slovenia for the first time. 

Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (NAKVIS) has accredited Faculty of Psychotherapy Science of the Sigmund Freud University in Ljubljana (SFU Ljubljana) in 2013 until September 2020.

From October 1, 2020 onwards the status of SFU Ljubljana is exclusively be a branch of the Sigmund Freud University, which is an accredited private university under Austrian law. Within the legal framework of the Slovenian Higher education Act regarding transnational education SFU Ljubljana will offer study programs according to 3. Paragraph 33.c article: non collaborative arrangement.  



Virtual walk through SFU Ljubljana

Prihajajoči dogodki

SFU Ljubljana
Fakultativno poslušanje predmetov
Feb 5
16:30 - 20:30
SFU Ljubljana
Ste strokovnjak na področju duševnega zdravja, ki želi poglobiti svoje znanje? Razmišlj...
Fakultativno poslušanje predmeta: Psihodiagnostika II
Fakultetni študij
Informativni dnevi SFU Ljubljana
Feb 14
9:00 - 12:00
SFU Ljubljana in ZOOM
Študij psihologije, študij psihoterapevtske znanosti? Vabljeni, da se nam pridruži...
Informativni dnevi SFU Ljubljana
SFU Ljubljana
Filmski večer: Modri žamet
Feb 27
SFU Ljubljana
Univerza Sigmunda Freuda Ljubljana in Psihoanalitični filmski klub, v sodelovanju z Dru...
Filmski večer: Modri žamet

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Fakultetni študij
Po poročilu Svetovnega gospodarskega foruma Future of Jobs Report 2025 se bo do le...
Informativni dnevi na SFU Ljubljana
SFU Ljubljana
Alumni klub SFU Ljubljana
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SFU Ljubljana
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